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Learning Theories

As educators learning theories are part of the classroom. In this game we have placed several theories at the back of our minds but TWO theories we want to emphasis are: 




This theory focuses on the different preferences that learner’s might have when learning which would make them better at learning any knowledge, namely Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic.














Students and children between the age range (Age 9+) of this baord game would learn better when it involves various senses. Their invovlement in the game also aids in their learning as individuals, hence having this theory in place, you will be helping you students or children in their journey of learning. 














Through this board game learners’ minds will remember and provide the right answers to receive a reward. The learners will then be conditioned to provide the right answers after repeatedly doing the activity over and over. The board game which uses a specific set of answers and questions that can be repeated in many different combinations would will allow learners to remember the rules, they will eventually be able to provide the right answers for every question with enough tries at the game.


Repitition is a learning strategies that you may want to use for students and children that are beginning to read the story or students and children with a learning disability. 

The Wordz of Oz incorporates multiple influences

to present information to the learners,

the visual representation of words and

pictures in the board game to help visual learners,

the instructions and answers that require learners’ auditory skills,

and the kinesthetic nature of moving pieces

and collecting items that are natural to a board game

would fulfill the basic needs of VAK learning styles.

This theory focuses on a comply and reward concept,

whereby learners’ minds will be conditioned to provide

the right answer to obtain rewards as they

repeatedly attempt

an activity.

Only RM120 for the entire boardgame set and free replacement of pieces for a year from purchase. 

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